Royal Nepal Helsinki

Sturenkatu 32-34, 00550 Helsinki -


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Creamy chicken and shrimp soup


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Herb chicken soup


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Creamy Shrimp Soup


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Creamy Coconut Vegetable Soup


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Deep-fried paneer cream cheese


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Fried chicken pieces


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Deep-fried shrimps


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Deep-fried vegetable pie


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Deep-fried chicken strips


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Tandoori chicken, tomato, cucumber and fresh salad


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Lamb and chicken grilled in a tadori oven, tomato, cucumber, shrimp and salad


Chicken dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattuja kananpaloja ja tuorejuustoa kermakastikkeessa (juustoa, kookosta, cashewpähkinä ja tomaattia) (G)

Chicken dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattuja kananpaloja jougurtti masalakastikkeessa (tuorejuustoa, cashewpähkinää, tomaattia, paprikaa, sipulia ja inkivääriä) (L, G)

Chicken dishes

1.5 € off Product Image

Tandoorimarinoitua kanaa voi-tomaatti-inkivääri kermakastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

1.5 € off Product Image

Tandoorimarinoituja kananpaloja tulisessa inki- vääri-sipuli tomaattikastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattuja kananpaloja inkivääri valkosipuli-jogurtti-curry-kastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

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Haudutettuja broilerin rintafilettä sipuli-valkosipuli-tomaatti- currykastikkeessa (L, G)

Chicken dishes

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Broilerin rintafilettä ja cashewpähkinöitä kermaisessa sipuli-tomaattikastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

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Broilerin rintafilettä sekä sipulia ja paprikaa tulisessa tomaatti-valkosipuli-chilikastikkeessa (L, G)

Chicken dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattua kananpaloja kermaisessa pinaatti- tomaattikastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

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Tandoorimarinoitua kana, tomaatti, pippuri, in-kivääri, vindaloo tulisessa masalakastikkeessa (G)

Chicken dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattuja kananpaloja, tomaattia ja cashewpähkinä, kookos voi masalakastikkeessa

Chicken dishes

Lamb dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattua lampaan sisäfilettä, kanafilettä, jättikatkarapua ja tuorejuustoa sipuli-inkivääri-voi-tomaatti kastikkeessa (G, L)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta voi-kermakastikkeessa (tomaattia, kookosta ja cashewpähkinää) (G)

Lamb dishes

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Tandooriuunissa girllattuja, yritti-jogurtti marinoituja lampaan sisäfilepaloja tulisessa tomaatti– inkivääri-sipuli-masalakastikkeessa (G)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta, tomaatti, inkivääri, vindaloo tulisessa masalakastikkeessa(G)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta tulisessa inkivääri-sipuli- tomaattikastikkeessa (G, L)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta, paprika, sipulia, tomaatti, korianteri ja inkivääriä masalakastikkeessa (G, L)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta sipuli-paprika-tomaatti- chilikastikkeessa (G, L)

Lamb dishes

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Lampaan jauhelihapyöryköitä sipuli-tomaatti- kermakastikkeessa (G)

Lamb dishes

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Tandooriuunissa grillattua lampaan jauhelihaa, paprika-tomaatti-jogurtti-masalakastikkeessa (G)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta sipuli-tomaatti-inkivääri-valkosipuli-currykastikkeessa (G, L)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta kermaisessa pinaatti-currykastikkeessa (G)

Lamb dishes

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Lammasta kermaisessa cashewpähkinöitä sipuli-tomaattikastikkeessa (G)

Lamb dishes

Vegetarian dishes

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Pehmeät kasvispyörykät (tuorejuusto, inkivääri, cashewpähkinä ja peruna) tomaatti- kookos-kermakastikkeessa (G)

Vegetarian dishes

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Peruna-kukkakaali tomaatti masalakastikkeessa (L, G) Mahdollisuus saada vegaanisena, mainitsethan kommenttikentässä.

Vegetarian dishes

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T Tofu, inkivääri, valkosipuli tomaatti- kerma pinaattikastikkeessa (L, G) Mahdollisuus saada vegaanisena, mainitsethan kommenttikentässä!

Vegetarian dishes

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Tuorejuustoa inkiväärillä ja valkosipulilla maustetussa pinaatti– ja voi- tomaatti kermakastikkeessa (G)

Vegetarian dishes

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Pehmeät tomaatti-kermakastikkeessa (kasvispyörykät, joissa tuorejuustoa, cash- ewpähkinää, inkivääriä ja perunat) (G)

Vegetarian dishes

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Kasvispyörykät (sis. kukkakaalia, perunaa, herneitä, sipulia) tomaatti- kermakastikkeessa (G) Mahdollisuus saada vegaanisena, mainitsethan kommenttikentässä!

Vegetarian dishes

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Fried potatoes in masala sauce (okra, tomato, onion, cumin and coriander) Possibility to get it vegan, please mention it in the comment field!

Vegetarian dishes

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Cauliflower, green beans, cheese, broccoli and cashew nut tomato and onion in butter cream sauce

Vegetarian dishes

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Tandoori marinated cream cheese in yogurt sauce (onion, paprika, tomato, garlic and ginger)

Vegetarian dishes

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Marinated tofu in masala sauce (onion, paprika and ginger) (L, G) Possibility to get it vegan, please mention it in the comment field!

Vegetarian dishes

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Fresh cheese or tofu, tomato, onion, parsley and ginger in chili sauce (G). (The tofu portion is also available as vegan. Mention it in the comments)

Vegetarian dishes

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Fresh cheese, tomato and cashew nut, coconut butter in masala sauce

Vegetarian dishes

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Vegetable rolls (cauliflower, potato, ginger and garlic) in creamy spinach sauce (G) Possibility to get it vegan, please mention it in the comment field!

Vegetarian dishes

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fried Tofu with tomato,onion,capsicumand ginger in chilly sauce.

Vegetarian dishes

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Fried Tofu with tomato, onion, ginger in tomato coconut sauce.

Vegetarian dishes

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Fresh cheese with cashew nut in creamy tomato, ginger butter sauce

Vegetarian dishes

Fish and shellfish

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King prawns in ginger-tomato-cream sauce

Fish and shellfish

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King prawns in tomato-onion-coriander-ginger garlic sauce.

Fish and shellfish

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(Small shrimp or Giant shrimp) cashew nuts in a creamy onion-tomato sauce

Fish and shellfish

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King prawns in tomato-onion capsicum, ginger garlic in chilly sauce .

Fish and shellfish

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Fried (pangasius or salmon fillet pieces) in hot ginger-onion-tomato sauce

Fish and shellfish

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(Pangas or salmon fillet pieces) in a creamy cashew nut-onion-tomato sauce

Fish and shellfish

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(Pangas or salmon fillet pieces) onion-pepper-tomato-ginger, garlic in chili sauce

Fish and shellfish

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shrimps in onion-tomato, garlic curry sauce.

Fish and shellfish

Siraj foods

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Grilled chicken, lamb, giant prawns in a tandoor oven in paprika-tomato-onion-masala tandoori sauce

Siraj foods

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Chicken pieces and lamb grilled in a tandoor oven, cream cheese, tomato, in a yogurt-butter-cream sauce.

Siraj foods

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King prawns, paprika and onion, ginger, garlic and tomato in yogurt sauce

Siraj foods

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Lamb in paprika-onion-ginger-tomato-coriander-cream-masala sauce

Siraj foods

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Chicken grilled in a tandoor oven, paprika, onion-coriander-ginger-cream-tomato - in masala sauce

Siraj foods

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Tandoor oven-grilled lamb tenderloin, chicken fillet, giant prawn and cream cheese in an onion-ginger-butter-tomato sauce

Siraj foods


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Chicken dishes

Lamb dishes

Vegetarian dishes

Fish and shellfish

Siraj foods




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